Saturday, August 13, 2011


When I first talked to the doctor about the pain I would be in after surgery, he told me that I would have pain but as I progressed in healing the pain would subside. The first night after surgery I don't even remember so I don't really remember any pain as well for the few days in the hospital. Once I returned home the doctors wanted me to be walking and standing as much as possible. I am not sure why but to me every time I stand my brain tells me to stop! Something inside me says it is not right to walk on broken bones. The pain I have when I walk is unbearable, but to get better it must be done. My mom and I run into many conflicts about this because when I am at home and not at physical therapy all I want to do is lay down and rest. I know I have to walk to get better I just don't want to. As of today that will all be changing I am vowing to get up and walk every two hours. It may only be 35 steps but it is walking. I called the doctor one night and was talking to him about the pain that I did have and his reply to me was "You know there is going to be some pain" HA some pain! For some reason I get upset... Its like they only have to preform the surgery they don't have to live with these. They get to go home to their families and are able to walk and have no pain. I wish this could be easier, but I know nothing comes without a challenge. No pain No gain! What a true statement!

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